Stechs is a company focused on developing Telco (telecommunication operators) solutions. These consists of different platforms for provisioning and assurance, such as Cloud Broadband Provisioning (GPON and DOCSIS), Resource Sharing Manager, Network Management and so forth, sucessfully delivered to multiple cable modem service providers in Latam
Since 2021 up to the present day, we continue to work alongisde Stechs in the enhancement and expansion of their plataforms and products, operating as an independependent unit within their already established structure and multidisciplinary development team.
Stechs was faced with the challenge of expanding its products and services during workload peaks that impacted its teams, so it contacted us in search of freelance developers in order to address this issue. When offered a work team, Stechs was hesitant due to concerns about the quality of the work, achieving effective communication and integration with its culture and values.
Finally, through a commitment from both parties, it was possible to convince Stechs of the benefits of having a team of engineers serving its needs, achieving a successful synergy with its development teams, its products and its business model, as well as how to achieve flexibility and reduction in costs.
This form of partial outsourcing of the development team, allowed them to improve the quality of their deliverables and contribute to parallelize work more efficiently and flexibly. Being able to use their own team for daily tasks and rely on the emeks team as a complement, dedicated to the research of new features and continous improvement of already existing ones.

“It is a pleasure to work with the emeks developer team. At Stechs, we greatly value commitment, efficiency and dedication. We are delighted to have found a team that shares these values. From day one, their professionalism and dedication were reflected in every phase of the project.

We feel very comfortable with the warmth and open communication. This makes collaboration fluid and pleasant.

We recommend emeks to any company looking for a development team that is committed, efficient and capable of delivering high quality results. We look forward to future collaborations”

Nicolás Betti
Software Manager at Stechs
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